it has been a while since i'm here anyway.
being here used to be a lot of fun.
just a short one for today.
Happy 2015 for me!
pernah terasa.
pernah terfikir, atau pernah tertanya tanya, kenapa hidup ni susah nak berpihak pada kita?
well you see,
i've been wondering this too.
since last year was a very tough year for me, i keep on thinking,
kenapa susah sangat aku nak senang?
kenapa orang lain can be happy by the way they are?
while i am here doing every thing to keep myself happy yet sometimes i still got stumble around.
one day i've come across this kinda quote on twitter.
"Kalau dunia itu dicipta sentiasa indah, nescaya kita takkan bermimpikan syurga."
you see.
hidup ni dicipta sebagai ujian pada kita.
either we succeed or fail the test.
to succeed all you have to do is believe.
kepada siapa?
the best planner, Tuhan yang Maha Besar.
meminta dan berharap pada bantuanNya.
mengadu pada Dia.
syurga itu untuk orang hebat.
so, jadilah sehebat mungkin di dunia, dengan cara, jadi kuat apabila diuji olehnya.
it's our job to live our life to the fullest.
what comes around, what beats you up, what tears you apart, it is part of life.
without those element in your life, you would be wandering around thinking of how life could have been better with some flavor.
instead of just the same plain feeling everyday.
macam makan aiskrim.
baskin robbin. :)